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This web-based course utilizes conceptual modelling tools to progress from system understanding to decision support. Although the main examples will be from water pollution and management issues, these tools are applicable to most any type of problem. Perspectives from both natural and social sciences are, together with engineering and economics, essential components for management of physical resources.


The course is open to a range of students, from undergraduate to postgraduate. Hopefully, many participants will be familiar with a problem that they already know and want to use for the modeling exercises. Alternatively, the instructor network behind this course will offer a number of different case studies that can be dealt with. Interdisciplinary participation is encouraged and favorable for the tutorial exercises, which can be cooperatively carried out. Following the webinars and completing the tutorials in October is the equivalent of 3 credits. In-depth literature options and case study presentations in November can be used to increase this to 5 or 7.5 credits.


Schedule in text file

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